Hi! We are experiencing the Dll not found execption in the linux editor and linux build (again), but this time, everything works, but the performance is way worse than on windows.
The issue is: In windows we are getting 60+ fps all the time (around 80) and on a very similar machine, (same CPU) we are getting less than 30.
I'm not sure exactly what is causing this, if you could help us figure out the issue this would be amazing!
Here's the details:
unity version: 2019.3.7f1
Obi version: the one you sent us by mail (5.1?)
Linux distribution used in the editor: ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Linux distribution used in production (build): Debian 8
number of particles used: 810 (2 softbodies)
substep: 1
constraints iterations: Collision, shape matching and pin: 3 everything else disabled
Fixed Timestep: 0.02
Maximum allowed Timestep: 0.1
While profiling on windows we had an Obi (fixed update) of 2.15 ms which is great and fits perfetcly what we allowed in terms of CPU time for the softbody;
But in linux it's another story, we are getting around 117 ms for it; here are some screenshots of the profiler in linux:
Other observation: Commenting out interpolation from the update method in solves the issue, but softbody stops reacting (obisolver.cs:1339)
Second post for more screenshots:
thanks in advance!
The issue is: In windows we are getting 60+ fps all the time (around 80) and on a very similar machine, (same CPU) we are getting less than 30.
I'm not sure exactly what is causing this, if you could help us figure out the issue this would be amazing!
Here's the details:
unity version: 2019.3.7f1
Obi version: the one you sent us by mail (5.1?)
Linux distribution used in the editor: ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Linux distribution used in production (build): Debian 8
number of particles used: 810 (2 softbodies)
substep: 1
constraints iterations: Collision, shape matching and pin: 3 everything else disabled
Fixed Timestep: 0.02
Maximum allowed Timestep: 0.1
While profiling on windows we had an Obi (fixed update) of 2.15 ms which is great and fits perfetcly what we allowed in terms of CPU time for the softbody;
But in linux it's another story, we are getting around 117 ms for it; here are some screenshots of the profiler in linux:
Other observation: Commenting out interpolation from the update method in solves the issue, but softbody stops reacting (obisolver.cs:1339)
Second post for more screenshots:
thanks in advance!