17-04-2020, 07:49 AM
(17-04-2020, 05:40 AM)JyriKilpelainen Wrote: The problem with Xcode 11.3 at the moment is that all builds get stuck in Processing state at App Store end. This means you can’t release or put the builds to TestFlight. Apple must have made some changes in their backend when Xcode 11.4 was released because everything worked ok before that.
Builds created with Xcode 11.4 do not get stuck at App Store but rather in Xcode due to this issue.
So the situation is pretty bad. I’m planning on trying to use Xcode 11.3 today and see how we can create a build that doesn’t get stuck in either place.
Ok, I'll take this back: Empty Unity project with just ARM64 architecture and build either with 2019.3.0f6 or 2019.3.7f1 does not get stuck on App Store Connect.