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Help  High variance in ObiFixedUpdate performance impact
(14-04-2020, 04:19 PM)josemendez Wrote: Hi!

I compiled for Android using il2cpp ((Galaxy S6, I don't own Quest, so that's the closest I can do), but I'm unable to reproduce such variability in performance.

¿Can you describe your scene in more detail? (amount of ropes/solvers, renderer settings, etc)

Ok, I just started writing an explanation but my build just finished (without the antenna rod, with 0.02 timestep, and with substep unity physics enabled), and I noticed a very high increase in performance, as you can see below (left side is previous build).
[Image: no-antenna.png]

However, there is still high variance in the performance and with a slightly longer rope I dip back to under 60 fps sometimes.  
[Image: loger-rope.png]

My antenna looks like this;
[Image: rod.png]

With the dynamic attachment being a simple object with 0.001 mass.

Here is the continued explanation of my scene;

So I basically have 16 ropes in pairs under 8 solvers. 
A pair consists of rope (A) with one end statically attached to an animated object and another statically attached to intermediate object LoopAttatchment.
The other rope (B) is the loop, which has both its ends attached to LoopAttatchment - one static and one dynamic (to avoid weirdness). The loop then has another two static attachments for an animated character to grab and move (or other animations or spring joints). 

Rope (A) is being extended and shortened on demand by either scripted events or through player interaction. 

These 8 pairs of ropes are enabled and disabled on demand by the scripted scenario, so I can pause the simulation, but keep the visual when the ropes are not moving. 
I'm using rope extruders now due to the finding in my last post (

I would love to send the project but I would have to make a new project and take out everything not relevant to this issue to satisfy my employer.

Render settings:
Using URP 7.3.1, Unity 2019.3.6f1
[Image: render-settings.png] 

Player Settings:
[Image: player-settings.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: High variance in ObiFixedUpdate performance impact - by TheMunk - 14-04-2020, 05:02 PM