14-02-2020, 02:59 PM
(14-02-2020, 01:59 PM)ilterbilguven Wrote: Hi,
Current emitter kills particles by lifespan. I want emitter to kill by position (For example, if a particle's Y position is below -5).
I managed to kill by that, but now emitter isn't working properly after when a particle is killed. How can I fix this?
Here's my CustomEmitter:
Code:namespace Obi
[AddComponentMenu("Physics/Obi/Obi Emitter", 850)]
public class CustomObiEmitter : ObiActor
[SerializeField] private float[] _posYs;
public override void LoadBlueprint(ObiSolver solver)
_posYs = new float[particleCount];
for (var i = 0; i < _posYs.Length; ++i)
_posYs[i] = 1;
protected override void SwapWithFirstInactiveParticle(int index)
_posYs.Swap(index, activeParticleCount);
public bool EmitParticle(float offset, float deltaTime)
_posYs[activeParticleCount] = 1;
public override void BeginStep(float stepTime)
for (int i = activeParticleCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
_posYs[i] = m_Solver.positions[i].y;
if (_posYs[i] <= -5)
Why not simply setting the particle's life to zero when it meets the condition you want (y < -5) instead of modifying the emitter class itself?