19-08-2019, 01:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 19-08-2019, 01:40 PM by josemendez.)
(18-08-2019, 05:33 PM)arrnav96 Wrote: Hi, I've been using an older version of Obi Cloth which has the older API for getting particle positions, velocities, etc.
As this project is for a client, meaning it's time sensitive, doing a complete upgrade to the newer 4+ API does not seem to be possible as this project has 100+ Obi actors with their own cloth settings tuned to perfection.
Now the issue is, Google Play has made 64-bit support in apps mandatory recently, meaning I had to now turn on ARM64 as well (Along with already enabled ARMV7) while building the APK.
The project's actors all render fine inside the editor, but upon building to an Android device none of the actors render at all and the logcat shows that the Oni DLL could not be found or loaded.
Looking deeper into the Obi/Plugins folder, I briefly compared my current Plugins folder contents with the new 4+ Obi's Plugin folder and understood that only the newer version has ARM 64-bit support.
To confirm the issue, I built without the ARM64 option enabled and the build rendered actors correctly, confirming that Unity was previously unable to find a 64-bit supporting DLL plugin for Oni.
Tldr; Is there any way I can simply add ARM64 support to existing Obi cloth setup without actually upgrading the API/Updating Obi plugin?
Simply updating the package would mean multiple weeks of added work due to requiring re-initializing and re-tuning all actors, completely halting productivity in such a large project.
EDIT: I now tried using a copy of this project to update to latest Obi package, then set up a temporary actor - fully initializing it, then enabled 64-bit ARM option and built APK to device.
Still the same problem - The correctly set up Obi actor doesn't render at all and throws the same errors as before. Looks like this issue is something other than just 64-bit support from Obi/Plugins folder.
This is the constantly recurring DLL error I get when I try to enable 64-bit and build, regardless of the version of Obi cloth I used on device (Using Unity 2019.2.1f1) -
Hi there,
Which Obi version are you currently using? we can build a 64 bit arm version of the physics engine for that specific version. Note that copying the 4.0 library directly on a previous version won't work and will result in a DllNotFound exception.
kind regards,