07-05-2019, 06:33 PM
(07-05-2019, 08:56 AM)josemendez Wrote: Understanding coroutines is pretty essential for working with Unity (or C# for that matter). In your code, since "makinSnakesLoop" is a coroutine itself (which you probably don't need if running the inner coroutine synchronously since you're not yielding anything anymore), you could return the partial results of the inner coroutine:
Code:IEnumerator coroutine = gg.GetComponent<ObiRope>().GeneratePhysicRepresentationForMesh();
while (coroutine.MoveNext())
yield return coroutine.Current;
This would yield after each partial result of the initialization coroutine, and would not execute these lines:
Code:gg.GetComponent<length>().length2 = newController.ss.lengths[x];
gg.GetComponent<length>().exp = newController.ss.exp[x];
gg.GetComponent<length>().goal = newController.ss.goals[x];
Until after the inner coroutine had finished.
You could also start the initialization of all snakes at once, then wait until all snakes have been created (asynchronously), then set their length or perform any other post-processing afterwards.
Use something like this to wait for all of them:
Code:public static IEnumerator WaitForAll(params Coroutine[] coroutines)
for (int i = 0; i < coroutines.Length; i++)
yield return coroutines[i];
Then you'd do:
Code:yield return WaitForAll(coroutine1, coroutine2, coroutine3...);
Which approach to take depends on what exactly you're looking to do, and how it fits with the rest of your game code. Again, the main purpose of coroutines is to spread execution over multiple frames, instead of freezing the whole game until their work is done. If you're creating many snakes and it takes too long, showing a loading bar is the appropriate -most professional- thing to do. All initialization coroutines in Obi return a completion percentage along with a message (both packed in a "ProgressInfo" struct) so that you can get feedback on their current status. You can get it like this:
Code:while (coroutine.MoveNext()){
var pctg = coroutine.Current as CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo;
Debug.Log("Loading..." + pctg.progress*100 + "%");
yield return pctg;
I really appreciate the detailed response, Im doing some more research on it all, and I'm getting some pretty nice stuff working now. Thank you.
I have a couple of other issues before I ship out, namely things with getting particle position and collision with other ropes. Would you like me to create separate threads for each issue or keep the rest of the forum cleaner, and just post them here?