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Help  How to add particles to existing cloth object
I would like to know how to add a particle system to an existing cloth object. 

For instance, if I have a cloth dynamically changing it's mesh shape, I would like to add a particle system on top of it which also follows the shape of the cloth mesh. Think of bubbles on top of a water surface.

I've tried using unity's skinned mesh bake option and updating particle system input mesh according to it, but that exists only for skinned mesh renderers. I know I can use a custom shader or complex decal assets for this, but as I'm unfamiliar with shader coding and would like to keep things simple, I would like to know if there's any existing way to utilize via this asset.


Messages In This Thread
How to add particles to existing cloth object - by arrnav96 - 09-10-2018, 08:35 AM