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Can ObiBone be elastic to hold its original shape?
(21-06-2017, 08:35 AM)akqj10 Wrote: Hi, 
I have used the ObiBone component on a ponytail hair braid. 
It works but seems the hair braid can't hold its original shape. With gravity applied, the hair braid ends up hanging downwards like a rope.

Any way to add the elastic factor (0-1), so the obiBone can lerp between its original shape and the simulation result driven by the particles?

Thanks in advance.  Gran sonrisa

Hi there,

Just use the "stiffness" parameter of skin constraints. Note that bones must be animated in order for this to work. If your braid bones contain no animation info, they will just fall down (because they have no animation to follow).

Also keep in mind that ObiBone is an experimental class, not officially documented. Behaviour might vary considerably in upcoming versions.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Can ObiBone be elastic to hold its original shape? - by josemendez - 21-06-2017, 05:50 PM