17-05-2018, 01:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 17-05-2018, 02:18 PM by josemendez.)
(17-05-2018, 01:12 PM)cubrman Wrote: 1) I don't have any non-1 scaled GameObjects in my hierarchy as I am aware of the problems this may cause. I've applied the scale in blender and reimported the model. I've re-stitched the model - the Unity's skinned animations work fine. Then I've re-added the cloth component from scratch, recomputed the topology, checked everything - the points still do not align.
The points do align though before the stitching part. They stop aligning once I stitch the model. And I tried all the combinations (adding cloth from scratch before/after stitching, etc.).
I still believe my stitching code is silently ruining your plugin, please at least give me tools/hints anything so that I can check if it is true or false myself.
2) While I was optimizing my mesh in blender (mostly removing vertices) it suddenly stopped initializing with the cloth component (I tested the scale issue above with the old 100% working model). I searched the forum and found that it might be due to the model being non-manifold. I tried everything that the stackexchange's post suggested and more - nothing helped. I have no floating geometry, internal faces, duplicate vertices or anything weird at all. No non-triangle faces either. Still the mesh won't initialize. I would be glad if you could suggest a software/method to identify and overcome such problems.
3) Say I have a tone of cloth objects I want to work together on my character:
a - should they all reference the same solver? Even if they work together?
b - is it dangerous to have cloth simulated in local space while it is not being directly a child of a solver (instead burried deep in the hierarchy below the solver)? What if it's the skeleton hierarchy we are talking about?
c - is it fine to have more that 1 solver in the hierarchy? 1 for each cloth? To prevent potential problems from (b)? I've read about inter-collisions I am asking whether it is potentially dangerous in any way to have many solvers in 1 hierarchy?
4) In Obi 3.0 you advertised that the Unity Wind Zone now works with cloth. From what I've seen you in fact need to add your own Obi wind zone to make wind work. Is there any way to make Unity wind zones work?
1) I'd have to go over your stitching script in detail to see what it does exactly and how is it implemented. I will as soon as I have some time to do it.
2) Most modeling programs have a "cleanup" option that fixes or at least removes sources of non-manifoldness in your mesh. If you're 100% positive your mesh has no zero length edges, no zero area faces, no edges shared by more than 2 faces, no dangling edges or vertices, etc, then last thing I'd check is triangle winding order (it really should be consistent and most programs export it correctly, so I doubt this is the issue. Still I'd check it.)
a - A single solver is usually simpler to set up. And a must if you want the clothes to interact with each other, since solvers do not interact with each other.
b - As long as the cloth is below the solver in the hierarchy, it is fine. No need for it to be an immediate child of the solver.
c - 1 solver per cloth is a bit overkill, and it defeats the purpose of Obi's design: separate solver and cloth so that multiple cloth pieces can be solved and culled at once. You could do it of course, but I don't see any reason to.
4) Built-in unity components cannot be modified. So it is impossible to add support for Obi to a built-in component, we have to use our own. Same goes for colliders and rigidbodies, we can't modify them, that's why ObiCollider and ObiRigidbody exist.