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Bug / Crash  Obi cloth does not properly work for models stitched to an existing skeleton.
(14-05-2018, 06:41 PM)cubrman Wrote: A few questions if I may:

1) Is there any way to save the edits done during play mode for the Obi Cloth component (in Edit Particles mode)? I tried the good-old copy component/paste component values but that just breaks the whole thing.

2) Is there a way to export the edits of the particles into a file? And then load it? This thing breaks way to often (meaning I loose my edits).

3) How can I find out which skinned meshes (that are not the cloth) are taken into account as the collision for the cloth? I have a suspicion that some meshes are omitted.

4) This is bloody insane: I set my skin radius for unpinned points to some value and after I play in editor it just reverts back to the previous value! Srsly what is going on? I cannot trust any of my actions!
Edit: Ok I think I was able to track the bug for the last point: apparently you cannot revert back to the prefab state you saved. This ruins the cloth. At least it produces the bugs described above. Guys what am I doing wrong? I have a feeling this is not supposed to happen!

1) Nope, edits during play mode are not saved (not in Obi, but in Unity in general. You need to be in editor mode for changes to be saved).

2) You can import per-particle values from texture channels. See:

3) No skinned meshes are taken into account for cloth collision, at all. Collision detection  just does not work that way in any realtime cloth simulator (it would be unbearably slow, imprecise and error-prone to detect collisions agains other deformable meshes). Cloth only considers colliders and the skinned vertices of its own mesh, just like Unity's default cloth, Havok, Apex, NvCloth, and others. This results in cheap "collision" against the cloth's animated mesh:a cape that has been bound/skinned to the skeleton 5 cm away from the character's back will be allowed to separate 10 or 20 cms during simulation (the exact distance being determined by the particle's "skin radius"), but will not be allowed to get closer than 5 cms.


4) We are unable to reproduce this behavior, setting per-particle values (skin radius specifically) pressing play in the particle editor then rewinding, causes no values to be lost. Also you can revert back to the prefab values just fine (per-particle properties are simple arrays, serialized by Unity, we don't do any custom serialization stuff). Just don't forget to reassign any external references to the scene (most notably the solver component) when reverting to prefab values, as Unity does not serialize any external references in prefabs. We use prefabs constantly in an internal project and no one has had issues with this. Can you send a video or something of the process you're following?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Obi cloth does not properly work for models stitched to an existing skeleton. - by josemendez - 14-05-2018, 08:02 PM