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Help  FluXY Dye

This forum is for Obi assets. For questions related to other assets, please use the appropriate support channel (for FluXY, emailing to fluxy(at)

(23-09-2024, 09:47 PM)mayktr Wrote: My first question is, do you think that it is possible to achieve this with FluXY package?
Second question is, is there a better/easy way to achieve it?

This game definitely uses an eulerian, texture-based fluid simulation, so yes FluXY would be the correct choice.

(23-09-2024, 09:47 PM)mayktr Wrote: I am increasing its size to fill the volume faster, applying torque to ensure even distribution, and gradually reducing turbulence over time to slow down its spread and eventually stop. Is there a better way to spread it and eventually make it look completely filled with no motion?

Using torque / target scaling is a quite convoluted way to do this, increasing pressure (alpha channel of the velocity texture) would be a simpler, more effective way.

(23-09-2024, 09:47 PM)mayktr Wrote: I feel like I'm on the wrong path, I cannot fully understand spreading mechanism of this package.

As in any fluid simulation, fluid spreads from high-pressure areas to low-pressure ones. So increasing pressure on a point will make fluid flow outwards from it.

Note that for accurate pressure-based effects you need your solver be using the Iterative pressure mode, instead of the Separable one.

(23-09-2024, 09:47 PM)mayktr Wrote: Also I don't want it to dissolve or look like transparent.

Make sure all dissipation values in your container are set to zero, then use a low-precision storage asset for your solver (this will prevent density from dissipating over time). Check the "Fog" sample scene for an example.

(23-09-2024, 09:47 PM)mayktr Wrote: I need it opaque all the time.

You can initialize the container's density values of the container using its "Clear color" property, under the "Surface" foldout. This will fill the entire container with an opaque color.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
FluXY Dye - by mayktr - 23-09-2024, 09:47 PM
RE: FluXY Dye - by josemendez - Yesterday, 07:55 AM
RE: FluXY Dye - by mayktr - 9 hours ago