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Help  Reduce oscillation or bounciness in v7
In version 7 of Obi the physics is dealt differently as explained by official documentation and posts on forum. Physics is deferred till the end and applied later may be multiple times like for example during a performance it will apply a larger force to get the rigidbody back to its position.

But this creates a very small problem, sometimes in unity and specially in VR when a new scene is loaded there is a slight performance hit at the start of the scene (as scene is newly loaded and it loads textures and executes Awake / Start method of all active scripts), it creates a bounciness in rope at start due to this, the ropes which should be at rest position hanging only due to gravity gets oscillations. We have tried switching it to SYNC mode but it still does not help.

Is there any way to get back somewhat similar results like version 6 where we can force that even during a performance hit it should not apply a greater force or perform multiple calls. I mean we can change it dynamically that may be at start of scene don't do this and later we can turn this on in some settings? 

If this option not available right now at the moment, can anyone in team consider this as a suggestions for future versions, it will be very helpful. We use multiple Obi products in our multiple apps and this one change in version 7 is causing too much oscillations at some points, specially for gravity effected hanging ropes.

Messages In This Thread
Reduce oscillation or bounciness in v7 - by vrtraining - 20-09-2024, 07:01 AM