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Help  contact.stickImpulse always 0, Closed loop ObiRope Collision fails
(18-09-2024, 10:04 AM)alicecatalano Wrote: Hi, i am still trying to fix the upcited error. i will attach here a .zip containint a video of what is happening. Please help me understand what is going on. the errors you see in the console pane are related to a CollisionHanling code that i wanted to use to increase the number of particles in the collision area but that i am not using now

Hi Alice,

To me the video just looks like simulation quality is extremely low?

How have you obtained the elastic behavior? Correct way is by increasing the rope's stretch compliance. Other ways to obtain elastic-looking behavior is by decreasing the solver's amount of constraint iterations, substeps, or relaxation factor, but for all of those the extra spurious elasticity comes from the simulation being lower quality, not from the material being actually more elastic.

I've quickly tried a similar setup and the rope stretches and wraps around pegs with no issues. All settings are set to default values (4 substeps, 1 distance constraint iteration) except stretch compliance, which is set to 0.001 N/m:

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: contact.stickImpulse always 0, Closed loop ObiRope Collision fails - by josemendez - 18-09-2024, 11:24 AM