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Help  Is there any way to fix cloth on specific point?
(06-09-2024, 10:56 AM)gahyun11 Wrote: Hello. Thank you for explanation. Now I can understand more. The reason why I thought I can set particle groups of cloth particle attachment component, as soon as I set target to body gameobject which has mesh collider of the body fpx mesh, and obi collider, in the cloth gameobject that has obi skinnedcloth, obi skined cloth renderer, through the code, some of the cloth asset objects(Like I mentioned, none of them  and body blueprint do have particles in thier blueprint but they dont hav any particle groups) automatically get particle group from none to "All". 


I believe you may be confusing particle groups with collision filters?. There's no way the attachment's particle group parameter can show "All" unless you have a particle group that has specifically been named "All". However the collides with parameter of a collision filter will show "All" when it can collide with all collision categories, which is the default setting.

(06-09-2024, 10:56 AM)gahyun11 Wrote: If I understand clear, both cloth and body have no particle groups in their blueprint, cloth asset gameobject's obi particle attachment has no change between setting particcle group with "none" and "all" even if I set target of the cloth to body?

As explained above, it's not possible for particle attachments to show "None" or "All" in their particle group dropdown. This is what collision filters do, however.
In their inspector, attachments show the names of the particle groups that exist in the blueprint being used by the cloth or softbody: so if your blueprint has no particle groups, it won't show anything. If your blueprint does have particle groups, the dropdown will show their names so that you can choose one.

When assigning groups programmatically, the same logic applies: if your blueprint has no particle groups, you can't assign one to the attachment. In other words: Particle groups define which parts of the cloth/softbody you want to attach to another object, you can't attach the object if you don't specify which parts should be attached.

(06-09-2024, 10:56 AM)gahyun11 Wrote: Sorry, I know I need to learn well, I just started to learn your guys plugin about a month ago, and sleepy all days cause of this issue, so i believe my writings def can be looked so messy. wish you understand this.

That's fine! you should not skip sleep though, that's bad for your health - and also your mental state. I was just pointing out that the code you wrote couldn't possibly work, but we have all been there at times. Let me know if you need further help!  Sonrisa

kind regards

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is there any way to fix cloth on specific point? - by josemendez - 06-09-2024, 11:09 AM