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Help  Cloth Collision with Shuriken Particles
First i noticed a small mistake in example for Scripting Collisions in Online Documentation for Version 7. The class ObiCollisionEventArgs no longer exists, you might want to update it. I checked the signature of method and it ObiNativeContactList, so I fixed the example.

I want to ask that Im using Unity particle system and I want them to be destroyed by Obi Cloth or atleast they should not cross dynamic moving Obi Cloth. Particle System of Unity has its own collision and trigger module and it can destroy its own particles if it comes with in contact with a specific trigger or collider layer that we mention in its parameter. The problem is collision on Obi Cloth is very different, it does not use Unity Colliders or Layers. Is there anyway?

Like a complex option would I create a trigger collider and move it along with cloth particles but that would be unrealistic.

Messages In This Thread
Cloth Collision with Shuriken Particles - by vrtraining - 02-09-2024, 09:45 AM