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Rope Moves across objects Issues
Can you please help With below issues & desired behavior:

Video Link

Overview of what Im trying to acheieve

I have a rope with two control points: 
  • Start, is freezed on roation and postion
  • End, this attchment will be moved using XR-Grab and it is freezed on rotation-xyz and only moves on X & Y.
  • Currentlly both Attached Dynamic
What I need:
  • this rope to be smooth and NOT jittery as in the video-link andfor that i used settings in images below
  • This rope should collide with those cylender and not slide on them, here i tried to use [ High-Friction ]
  • Rope should either stretch or increase in length in smooth/good way, while im moving it using XR-Grab  (Giving that Start atttchments is freezed-xyz). Also the initial length of rope should be normal not too long as shown in the picture below, only when i move its End-Control-Point then it should sterch or increas legnth
Issues Im facing Overall:
  • OBI Particles Renderer not showing not showing particles, attached is settings used
  • As you can see in Video-Link,,, rope is bouncy, jittery & Rigid mainly when it touches those objects
  • When moving one end  of the rope. The ends becomes not perfectly alined with the attachments. Gab is seen
  • Rope is not colliding very well (OBI colliders and filter are set alreaddy). And it snaps

Note* Im not using code currently . Mainly im using the OBI rope. componenets configs 

I Know im asking alot but,  can you give/share me the best setting for (The solver, rope & attchments) to solve those issues or is if it's (allowed/possible) to have a Breief Technical Session to achieve that 

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Messages In This Thread
Rope Moves across objects Issues - by Barax94 - 30-08-2024, 01:24 PM