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Help  Is there any way to fix cloth on specific point?
(30-08-2024, 07:37 AM)gahyun11 Wrote: Hello. I'm currently trying to attach clothes on specific point of body(actor's local space) using obi particle attachment(cloth)  pin constraint setting(body). I know I can make cloth stop falling from body using particle attachment with dynamic type and compliance value, but is there any way to attach cloth on specific position of actor's local space and edit the position in inspector or in editor with given value? Thank you


This is the default behavior of ObiParticleAttachments: when enabled, they'll attach the particle(s) at their current position relative to the target transform. You can just move the cloth and/or the target around to change the attachment position.

If you need to force *only* the attached particles to move to a specific position before enabling the attachment, you can also do so (even though it will stretch the cloth and cause it to "jump" during the first few frames of simulation, which is pretty much always an undesired effect). The manual contains sample code for a component that will force the particles to move to the target transform's local origin:

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is there any way to fix cloth on specific point? - by josemendez - 30-08-2024, 07:54 AM