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Help  Unity physics interaction on v7.0
Hi there!

Rigidbody interaction hasn’t changed at all in Obi 7. A few parameters have been moved around though, most notably the amount of substeps: it has moved from ObiFixedUpdater (that no longer exists) to the ObiSolver component. Also, a max amount of steps per frame has been added to solvers, which would previously use Unity’s global maximum allowed timestep.

Assuming the amount of substeps in your solver are the same as in your old ObiFixedUpdater and that the maximum amount of steps is equal to your max allowed timestep divided by your fixed timestep, behavior should be the same.

Let me know otherwise, and in that case, a video of the behavior you’re getting with 7 sould certainly help Sonrisa.

Kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Unity physics interaction on v7.0 - by josemendez - 20-08-2024, 07:41 PM