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Bug / Crash  Selecting Objects in Hierarchy Triggers Unintentional Physics

This is normal behavior, due to the way physics work: when you select something in-editor, there's a noticeable performance spike due to Unity having to load object properties and display them in the inspector. Since that frame takes considerably longer than a "normal" frame, rigidbodies have a chance to fall due to gravity for more time than usual, so the rope has to apply a larger than usual force to get them back into position. This is the "jump" you noticed.

(19-08-2024, 11:52 PM)PRodi Wrote: Is there a more efficient or performant method for creating hanging lamps with cables compared to using the "Chains" scene as a base?[/font][/size][/color]

Hanging a rigidbody is just a matter of using a dynamic attachment instead of a static one. The difference in performance between both types of attachments is negligible.

The "chains" scene does nothing out of the ordinary that would make it more expensive, you can use it as a template just fine. Let me know if you run into any performance problems.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Selecting Objects in Hierarchy Triggers Unintentional Physics - by josemendez - 20-08-2024, 08:41 AM