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Help  How to Pause or Freeze Rope?

I am using obi rope version 7, I have one solver at the root and multiple ropes in hierarchy downwards. I need to freeze or pause the rope in some cases like its rendered but freezed and not moving even if its parent object is moving too. Is it possible to achieve that? Is it also possible to do it for only one rope explicitly even if one solver is controlling multiple ropes?

Also can I extract a mesh in editor and may be replace it with a rope at runtime to depict a freeze?

Messages In This Thread
How to Pause or Freeze Rope? - by vrtraining - 02-08-2024, 08:12 AM
RE: How to Pause or Freeze Rope? - by josemendez - 02-08-2024, 09:06 AM
RE: How to Pause or Freeze Rope? - by btduser - 04-08-2024, 11:33 PM
RE: How to Pause or Freeze Rope? - by vrtraining - 05-08-2024, 04:03 AM