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Help  Attaching gameobjects after tear up
(25-07-2024, 03:07 PM)Ferhat123 Wrote: Hi,

I want to attach gameobjects to the ends of both ropes after tearing them apart. I want to do this every time I tear up any rope.

I guess I can't add control points at runtime to attach these gameobjects, so maybe the solution is to generate two separate ropes at runtime when I cut the original rope.

How can I do it?

Thank you,


Attachments take a particle group (not a control point) as argument, and you can create particle groups at runtime just fine. See:

So you can just get both particles  involved in a tear operation, create one particle group for each and attach them.

Also note that using attachments in this way only makes sense if you’re attaching rigidbodies and you need two-way coupling with the rope, if you just want to set the position of a gameObject to follow the cut ends you can do so like the ElectricWires sample scene does.

Let me know if you need further help,

Kind regards

Messages In This Thread
RE: Attaching gameobjects after tear up - by josemendez - 25-07-2024, 04:27 PM