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Help  DIINotFoundException when attempting to import ObiRope
(23-07-2024, 02:45 AM)mhannum72 Wrote: Thank you for this asset .. I was able to get the sample scene working perfectly, although with the same error trace from the obi-profiler mentioned here (and in several other places).

I have verified that all of the pre-requisites installed .. AGAIN, aside from error trace coming out of the console, the scene works perfectly ..

It looks like the preprocessor is defining OBI_ONI_SUPPORTED even though I am on a silicon Mac, which should not support ONI (so it should never actually reach this code) .. Am I understanding correctly?  The error message is coming out because some part of this code thinks my silicon-mac supports ONI?  I tried removing 


Make sure you're not using a ObiProfiler component in your scene. This component is used to profile the Oni backend (since it's a native library and doesn't show up in Unity's built-in profiler). If this component exists in your scene and your architecture doesn't support Oni, the simulation will work but you'll still get the error message as the ObiProfiler tries to access the dll.

let me know if I can be of further help,

(23-07-2024, 02:45 AM)mhannum72 Wrote: >> for .. the 'disable smiles' checkbox is hilarious ..

That's because smiles are enabled by default around here! Gran sonrisa. So are good vibes Sonrisa

Messages In This Thread
RE: DIINotFoundException when attempting to import ObiRope - by josemendez - 24-07-2024, 09:04 AM