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Help  DIINotFoundException when attempting to import ObiRope
Thank you for this asset .. I was able to get the sample scene working perfectly, although with the same error trace from the obi-profiler mentioned here (and in several other places).

I have verified that all of the pre-requisites installed .. AGAIN, aside from error trace coming out of the console, the scene works perfectly ..

It looks like the preprocessor is defining OBI_ONI_SUPPORTED even though I am on a silicon Mac, which should not support ONI (so it should never actually reach this code) .. Am I understanding correctly?  The error message is coming out because some part of this code thinks my silicon-mac supports ONI?  I tried removing 

>> for .. the 'disable smiles' checkbox is hilarious ..

Messages In This Thread
RE: DIINotFoundException when attempting to import ObiRope - by mhannum72 - 23-07-2024, 02:45 AM