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iOS DllNotFoundException for empty project testing your examples iOS
(09-07-2024, 01:49 AM)inacen Wrote: Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Backends/Burst/DataStructures/NativeMultilevelGrid.cs(74,46): error CS1061: 'UnsafeList<K>' does not contain a definition for 'length' and no accessible extension method 'length' accepting a first argument of type 'UnsafeList<K>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


Some versions of the Collections package use Length instead of length (or vice-versa) and Unity's auto API updater does not seem to be able to fix this automatically. Simply changing "length" to "Length" (uppercase L) in NativeMultilevelGrid.cs line 74, character 46 will get rid of the issue. See our troubleshooting page:

let me know if I can be of further help,

kind regards

Messages In This Thread
RE: iOS DllNotFoundException for empty project testing your examples iOS - by josemendez - 09-07-2024, 07:28 AM