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Help  Obi Simple Fluid Renderer Invisible
(10-04-2018, 01:20 PM)josemendez Wrote: Hi,

It does work with orthographic cameras. Try the "SimpleFluid" sample scene or the "FluidFoam" scenes, they both use orthographic cameras, and in both the SimpleFluidRenderer works (at least for us).

Make sure your near/far planes have sane values (non negative near plane, not huge far plane, etc)

Ah yes, it was the near/far planes that were causing the issue - thanks so much.

Out of interest the SimpleFluid scene didn't work for me due to a missing script (all others did) (see attached screenshot). To double check, I created a completely new project and imported the package fresh and I received the same error. All other scripts seemed fine. For reference I'm using 2017.3.1f1

Again, thanks for the support - superb.

Messages In This Thread
Obi Simple Fluid Renderer Invisible - by AntLewis - 08-04-2018, 05:16 PM
RE: Obi Simple Fluid Renderer Invisible - by AntLewis - 10-04-2018, 01:34 PM