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Help  Question about garment onto a 3d avatar using Obi
thank you for the fast and quick reply!

Uh, actually I'm not using this performance in realtime in a game, just show it paused moment or stayed still(hopefully this would be "extremely controlled circumstances" that you said) like a person staying on the stage wearing a new clothesSonrisa Maybe a small movement like shaking hands, or change the arm position etc. later.

Is it still the same idea you mentioned above?

I realized colliderwise issue is the main thing that I need to overcome with. But in my case, it is not possible parenting capsule or sphere collider to the body's joints Triste

Thank you

Messages In This Thread
RE: Question about garment onto a 3d avatar using Obi - by onfitpark - 23-04-2024, 08:38 AM