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Help  ObiCloth local space documentation is outdated?
Hi there!

From ObiSolver's current version documentation:

Quote:Solvers always perform the simulation in local space. This means that translating, rotating or scaling the solver will rigidly transform the simulation as a whole.

You can inject a percentage of the solver linear/rotational movement back into the simulation, in the form of inertial forces. For instance, you might want to control how much of the overall character movement will affect the clothing simulation. For this purpose, solvers expose two parameters to independently control linear and rotational inertial forces (see below).

(28-02-2024, 07:54 AM)CptnFabulous Wrote: The parent object needs to be moved and teleported, but this causes the rendered cloth to behave like it’s simply moving at high speeds, causing it to glitch out and behave in unnatural ways.

Double check that both the linear and angular inertia scale parameters in the solver are set to zero - you mention this already, but the behavior you describe really sounds like they aren't. By default, moving the solver around will not affect the simulation in any way - even when teleported. Simulation is always performed in local space (also all particle and constraint related data exposed by the API is expressed in the solver's local space).

Note that if you have kinematic rigidbodies close to the cloth that also get teleported together with it and you're using continuous collision detection, cloth will take into account their velocity vector upon teleporting and might respond to them as if they were launched towards the cloth at high speeds - since the world space velocity vector of the rigidbodies is not zero. In these cases, temporarily setting continuous collision detection to zero before teleporting is the typical workaround.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: ObiCloth local space documentation is outdated? - by josemendez - 28-02-2024, 07:59 AM