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Bug / Crash  Obi crash after reload scene
(15-02-2024, 03:01 PM)kayrakocaeli Wrote: Im using obi rope on my character when I start the game the rope works perfectly but when I reload the scene on play or build I'm gettingĀ this error.
going to a different scene is working properly but if I load the scene with obi rope twice it crashes.

IndexOutOfRangeException: Index 0 is out of range of '0' Length.
Unity.Collections.NativeArray`1[T].FailOutOfRangeError (System.Int32 index) (at <ad3eaa0878d94cbe8e45f9c494d71647>:0)
Unity.Collections.NativeArray`1[T].CheckElementReadAccess (System.Int32 index) (at <ad3eaa0878d94cbe8e45f9c494d71647>:0)
Unity.Collections.NativeArray`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) (at <ad3eaa0878d94cbe8e45f9c494d71647>:0)
Obi.BurstColliderWorld+IdentifyMovingColliders.Execute (System.Int32 i) (at Assets/Utility/Obi/Scripts/Common/Backends/Burst/Collisions/BurstColliderWorld.cs:154)
Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForExtensions+ParallelForJobStruct`1[T].Execute (T& jobData, System.IntPtr additionalPtr, System.IntPtr bufferRangePatchData, Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges& ranges, System.Int32 jobIndex) (at <ad3eaa0878d94cbe8e45f9c494d71647>:0)
Obi.BurstColliderWorld:UpdateWorld(Single) (at Assets/Utility/Obi/Scripts/Common/Backends/Burst/Collisions/BurstColliderWorld.cs:117)
Obi.ObiColliderWorld:UpdateWorld(Single) (at Assets/Utility/Obi/Scripts/Common/Collisions/ObiColliderWorld.cs:397)
Obi.ObiUpdater:BeginStep(Single) (at Assets/Utility/Obi/Scripts/Common/Updaters/ObiUpdater.cs:56)
Obi.ObiFixedUpdater:FixedUpdate() (at Assets/Utility/Obi/Scripts/Common/Updaters/ObiFixedUpdater.cs:46)

You can check my prefab below.
Thanks in advence.
[Image: jDirCVG]


This seems unrelated to the rope/solver, as the stack trace points to a collider. Would seem like the engine is trying to access a collider that no longer exists in the scene. However, I've been unable to reproduce this myself.

Could you send a small scene/project that reproduce this issue to support(at) so that I can take a closer look?

thank you!

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
Obi crash after reload scene - by kayrakocaeli - 15-02-2024, 03:01 PM
RE: Obi crash after reload scene - by josemendez - 16-02-2024, 07:54 AM
RE: Obi crash after reload scene - by josemendez - 20-02-2024, 09:10 AM