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Help  ObiFluid_7.0b installation issue

Seems like a shader is either missing or has an error. Check that Obi/Resources/ObiMaterials/Fluid/Compute/IndirectThickness.shader exists, and whether it shows any errors in the inspector when you select it.

This seems like a bug/documentation issue in Collections 2.1.4. The Sort() method is declared in the static class NativeSortExtension, however it does not seem to be an extension method as the documentation states.

So instead of calling it directly on a NativeSlice, it needs to be called as a regular static method. Replace line 144 in Obi/Scripts/Common/Backends/Burst/DataStructures/ConstraintBatcher/ConstraintSorter.cs with

NativeSortExtension.Sort(slice, comparer);

Also, in line 12 of the same file change the declaration to this:

By modifying ConstraintSorter.cs according to your instruction, the second error is gone now.
But for the first one, as far as I checked the shader in the editor, it existed and had no error appeared in the inspector. What am I missing?

Messages In This Thread
ObiFluid_7.0b installation issue - by Snail921 - 29-11-2023, 03:56 AM
RE: ObiFluid_7.0b installation issue - by Snail921 - 29-11-2023, 04:05 PM