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Help  Best practices for climbing up / down a rope?
(18-09-2023, 02:57 PM)ShawnF Wrote: So I spent a bit more time getting it working without the hinge, but I've run into two issues that maybe you can help with:

1) There's a lot of bounciness that I'd prefer not to have, especially when you first jump on the rope. I tried making the rope quite stiff (increased Substeps and decreased resolution), but it's still not ideal and making those values more extreme doesn't seem to help. Any advice? I'd like to try to achieve a less realistic, smoother pendulum feel when you jump on a rope similar to the WITH HINGE version in the video below.


Imho the main problem with having a hinge constraint and a rope is that unless the rope converges perfectly (which would take a lot of substeps/iterations) the section between the top of the rope and the character will always look a bit loose/wiggly because it is slightly longer than the hinge, which has a fixed length. Ideally the rope should be completely straight - but since the mass of the character is supported by the hinge instead, it isn't.

My advice in this case would be to override the position of all particles between the character and the top of the rope, distributing them in a straight line. This will ensure the rope looks perfectly taut when using the hinge.

(18-09-2023, 02:57 PM)ShawnF Wrote: 2) After the first time attaching to a rope, any future new attachment to a rope causes the following error. It doesn't seem to actually cause any problems, but I have no idea what could be causing it. Apparently it's from a change I made, but it's not in my code, so I'm not sure if it's a bug on your side or if I'm doing something incorrectly.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) (at <1f66344f2f89470293d8b67d71308c07>:0)
Obi.ObiParticleAttachment.BreakDynamicAttachment (System.Single stepTime) (at Assets/StoreAssets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Utils/ObiParticleAttachment.cs:480)
Obi.ObiParticleAttachment.Actor_OnEndStep (Obi.ObiActor act, System.Single stepTime) (at Assets/StoreAssets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Utils/ObiParticleAttachment.cs:211)
Obi.ObiActor.EndStep (System.Single substepTime) (at Assets/StoreAssets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Actors/ObiActor.cs:1193)
Obi.ObiSolver.EndStep (System.Single substepTime) (at Assets/StoreAssets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Solver/ObiSolver.cs:1640)
Obi.ObiUpdater.EndStep (System.Single substepDeltaTime) (at Assets/StoreAssets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Updaters/ObiUpdater.cs:114)
Obi.ObiFixedUpdater.FixedUpdate () (at Assets/StoreAssets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Updaters/ObiFixedUpdater.cs:54)

Attachments don't really mess with one another, they're completely independent so not a clear reason I can think for this off the top of my head. If you could send a repro project/scene to support(at) I'll be glad to take a closer look.

(18-09-2023, 02:57 PM)ShawnF Wrote: And btw, just want to say that I really appreciate how active you are on this forum helping people out. It's great to see such good support. Sonrisa

Thanks, I try my best! Sonrisa

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Best practices for climbing up / down a rope? - by josemendez - 22-09-2023, 10:30 AM