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Softbody lags SEVERELY but only during collision
(11-09-2023, 07:57 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi!

Mesh density has zero impact on simulation, since the mesh isn't simulated: a particle-based representation of it is. Amount of vertices/triangles/submeshes/etc only has an impact on rendering. How many particles does your softbody have?
Oh! I see. The softbodies I use are averaging at 190-200 particles. I don't think this is a lot?

(11-09-2023, 07:57 AM)josemendez Wrote: The profiler screenshot shows 1.68 ms spent on the player loop: that's around 600 frames per second, hardly a performance problem. I guess you sampled a specific frame that had normal performance, amongst frames that did exhibit the issue? In any case, this profiler pic is of no use whatsoever. Could you export the profiling data and share that instead? (there's buttons at the top of the profiler to export/import data). That way I can navigate your profiling session and view all useful info, you can send the profiler data file to support(at)
I sent the profiler data file already via e-mail. Thank you very much in advance for checking!

(11-09-2023, 07:57 AM)josemendez Wrote: Collision detection between particles is quite cheap, certainly a lot cheaper that the actual softbody simulation or collider collision: it's just pairs of point-point distance tests. Unless there's several thousand particles in the scene and they're all colliding with each other, chances are particle collision won't ever be a performance bottleneck.
If one softbody has approximately 200 particles and 9 softbodies (1,800~ particles total) are in the scene at any one time, could it be that performance might slow down during this time? Or maybe because I did surface sampling only for the blueprint then they are like fusing with one another and giving the engine a hard time computing? These are just thoughts because I can't quite wrap my head around the cause for this performance bottleneck. ?

One more thing also. I mentioned this in the original message, but everytime I restart Unity, the settings for Jobs always return back to default. This means I have to disable the jobs debugger, safety checks and leak detection every single time. When I build an Android version of the game, how are these settings set? What are the settings of Jobs in-game when users play with a smartphone?

Your help is always appreciated! Thank you very much.

(11-09-2023, 08:03 AM)josemendez Wrote: Just noticed there's a "ObiParticleFinder" component in your softbody. What does this script do?
This script just makes accessing particle groups (and the particles assigned to it) easier. Also, a particle's exact world position, particle's solver index, and other information are accessible here. Sorting of particles are also sometimes done here.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Softbody lags SEVERELY but only during collision - by creekat - 12-09-2023, 03:01 AM