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Help  Saving blueprint not including points added during runtime
(29-08-2023, 08:59 AM)yashgarg Wrote: Hello Team,

I had a rope for which I changed its length at runtime with obi cursor logic as given in user manual. Then I tried saving the runtime blueprint as an asset for later use. But the saved asset does not contain the new particles that were added when I increased the length of the rope. 

Similar issue happens when I tried to move a rope (whose length has been increased) from one ObiSolver to a new ObiSolver. All the new points/particles that were added as part of increasing the rope length disappeared instantaneously as I moved the rope to new ObiSolver. I did this experiment as in one of the previous forum answers it was mentioned that switching ropes among ObiSolver uses the same save blueprint function.

Is there a way for me to store the runtime blueprint (with increased particles) and then use it later directly.



Blueprints do not store runtime changes to the rope: added/removed particles and constraints, topology changes such as cuts, etc. They only store the initial shape of a rope. For this reason, when you change a rope to a different solver all runtime edits are reset, the amount of particles and constraints revert to the ones stored in the blueprint, and particle positions/velocities are copied over.

The reason for this is simple: these kind of changes don't take place in the blueprint, but the actor - the rope itself. Multiple ropes can share the same blueprint but still be resized/cut in different ways, it wouldn't make sense for changes applied to one rope to propagate to all ropes sharing the same blueprint.

If you need to store changes made to the rope actor at runtime, you'll need do it using your own system.

kind regards

Messages In This Thread
RE: Saving blueprint not including points added during runtime - by josemendez - 29-08-2023, 09:06 AM