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Help  Rope Tunnels Through Even With Continuous Surface Collisions
(29-08-2023, 03:57 AM)Rangasoup Wrote: Version 6.5.4

I would like ropes to stay threaded through my objects. (While writing this I noticed the same happens for plain ropes themselves:

It works okay for simple setups, but fails and phases through once more forces are applied.

I use non-convex SDF colliders, surface collisions, and fully continuous collision detection.

Here's an example using another rope, but the force can come from anything, and happens when the rope length is not changing too:

Solver settings:

[Image: YN0FWAl.png]

Rope settings:

[Image: n0BFVay.png]

Any help appreciated,


What's the mass of the rope, and the mass of the object?

Also, could you share your full solver constraint settings? You're using 8 distance constraint iterations at 160% relaxation, if your collision constraints - not visible in your screenshot - have less iterations you're basically telling the solver "the rope not stretching is a lot more important that the rope missing collisions, so it's fine if you ignore collisions as long as the rope doesn't stretch".

Typically your iterations should all be set to 1 and 100% relaxation, then crank up your updater's substeps for better simulation quality. Then fine-tune constraint iteration counts if there's a specific constraint type that you want to spend more resources on. The manual contains a very in-depth explanation of substeps/iterations and how they affect the results:

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rope Tunnels Through Even With Continuous Surface Collisions - by josemendez - 29-08-2023, 07:40 AM