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Help  Rope Tunnels Through Even With Continuous Surface Collisions
Version 6.5.4

I would like ropes to stay threaded through my objects. (While writing this I noticed the same happens for plain ropes themselves:

It works okay for simple setups, but fails and phases through once more forces are applied.

I use non-convex SDF colliders, surface collisions, and fully continuous collision detection.

Here's an example using another rope, but the force can come from anything, and happens when the rope length is not changing too:

Solver settings:

[Image: YN0FWAl.png]

Rope settings:

[Image: n0BFVay.png]

Any help appreciated,

Messages In This Thread
Rope Tunnels Through Even With Continuous Surface Collisions - by Rangasoup - 29-08-2023, 03:57 AM