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Help  Creating and Removing Pin Constraints from ObiPinConstraintsBatch
I've managed to get it almost completely working now. 

Instead of adding constraints, I find if there is an existing constraint for that solver index. If there is, I update the batch's array properties and activate the index. Similarly, instead of removing constraints they are deactivated.

bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < adhesionBatch.constraintCount; i++)
if (adhesionBatch.particleIndices[i] == solverIndex)
adhesionBatch.pinBodies[i] = Dummy.Handle;
adhesionBatch.colliderIndices[i] = Dummy.Handle.index;
adhesionBatch.offsets[i] = positionOffset;
adhesionBatch.restDarbouxVectors[i] = orientationOffset;
// And everything else is the same...
found = true;

What is odd is that even after this, when I created constraints on-demand (if they were not found), I would get occasions where the lists would lose sync still! However, if I pre-create a constraint for each actor particle's solver index in Start(), then it works correctly (which makes me think it is something to do with growing the array between activations/deactivations).

I prefer this solution regardless as it avoids reallocations. 

The only thing I don't like is needing to search the particleIndices when activating a constraint. Though my cloth has very few particles, I will try and use the m_ID and m_IDToIndex to persistently associate solver particles with an identity.

This is what I have so far, 

private void Start()
    actor.solver.OnCollision += Solver_OnCollision;
    graspBatch = new ObiPinConstraintsBatch();
    adhesionBatch = new ObiPinConstraintsBatch();

    // Pre-create the adhesion constraints

    actorIndexToConstraintId = new List<int>();
    for (int i = 0; i < actor.particleCount; i++)
        var solverIndex = actor.solverIndices[i];

And then to look up the constraint from the solver index:

// Lookup the constraint index
var i = adhesionBatch.GetConstraintIndex(actorIndexToConstraintId[actor.solver.particleToActor[solverIndex].indexInActor]);

However this fails, and I need for now to get the constraintIndex by iterating the particles:

for (int j = 0; j < adhesionBatch.constraintCount; j++)
    if (adhesionBatch.particleIndices[j] == solverIndex)
        if(i != j)
            Debug.Log("Constraint Id Changed");

        i = j;

If I can get the above to work I can do away with the lists entirely and just store flags for each actor particle, which would be much nicer.

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.cs   AdhesiveCloth.cs (Size: 15.73 KB / Downloads: 7)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Creating and Removing Pin Constraints from ObiPinConstraintsBatch - by sebjf - 25-08-2023, 03:13 PM