23-08-2023, 12:10 PM
Thanks, that was really helpful! I thought I had tried that, but apparently not.
This allowed me to get it working for my use case, but I found that the rope gets stuck on itself until it's wiggled a bit, especially if you try to add rope quickly. I just programmatically added a bit of wiggling at the top attachment while the rope is growing, but I'm guessing that there's a better way.
To show you what I mean... If I use my above code, but with sourceMu = 0.5f, here's what I'm getting if I don't add any rope wiggle:
This happens more if I add a lot of rope per step (0.5) vs if I add a smaller amount (0.1), but it always gets stuck at least a bit if there's no wiggle.
Again, I found a workaround so no big deal, but I thought it was worth mentioning in case it's a bug and just so I can undestand the system better.
This allowed me to get it working for my use case, but I found that the rope gets stuck on itself until it's wiggled a bit, especially if you try to add rope quickly. I just programmatically added a bit of wiggling at the top attachment while the rope is growing, but I'm guessing that there's a better way.
To show you what I mean... If I use my above code, but with sourceMu = 0.5f, here's what I'm getting if I don't add any rope wiggle:
This happens more if I add a lot of rope per step (0.5) vs if I add a smaller amount (0.1), but it always gets stuck at least a bit if there's no wiggle.
Again, I found a workaround so no big deal, but I thought it was worth mentioning in case it's a bug and just so I can undestand the system better.