08-08-2023, 03:52 PM
(01-03-2020, 02:28 AM)ab8228657 Wrote: Hi,the question above is still valid
Sir, I tried to make the people climbing the rope with rope cursor, at the time of character not to climb the rope the rope is in natural state, how should I to obi rope and spring to be to combine, my idea was a natural state all use obi rope, waiting for the man grabbed the rope, obi rope according to the position of the character to shorten or add it to the bottom of the particles, just like the way you said the same.However, there is a problem. If the character climbs from the bottom of the rope, using rope cursor is theoretically ok, but if the character jumps from the air and grabs the middle of the rope, using rope cursor to instantly shorten or increase the length of the rope to the character's feet, the rope will jump or tremble violently.
I also used an easier method to see in my video below, I tied the character's hand IK to each of the spacer particles on the string.However, the problem lies in how to use the particle attachment to constrain particles at different positions on the rope during the time interval of the character's foot animation.Please help me analyze it.