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Help  Dynamic Rod Attachment Problem
(22-07-2023, 04:53 PM)astro.domine Wrote: [*]For a tapered/graduated rod that has segments of varying rigidness, like a fishing pole or antenna, would you suggest using Obi Bones or Unity Configurable Joints?


Unity's physics engine is velocity based, while Obi is position based and hence, unconditionally stable. I'd suggest using Obi, unless you need to use joints for some other reason.

(22-07-2023, 04:53 PM)astro.domine Wrote: [*]To attach a rope to a rod/bone, would you suggest using an Obi Stitcher, or connecting them with an intermediary rigidbody and dynamic attachments? It seems like there would be a simulation advantage to separating the rod & rope into separate solvers, allowing you to optimize the constraint settings for each (the rope might need more distance iterations, while the rod might need more bend iterations, for example); with a Stitcher you can't split them up.

Rods use bend/twist and stretch/shear constraints, while ropes use the simpler distance and bend constraints. You can fine tune constraint settings for each even if using the same solver, which is also cheaper and simpler to set up than using two separate solvers with an intermediate rigidbody.

Messages In This Thread
Dynamic Rod Attachment Problem - by astro.domine - 20-07-2023, 05:28 PM
RE: Dynamic Rod Attachment Problem - by josemendez - 24-07-2023, 07:02 AM
RE: Dynamic Rod Attachment Problem - by stepkka - 15-02-2024, 01:19 PM