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Obi Softbody not rendering when model has rig.
(03-07-2023, 03:18 PM)josemendez Wrote: Hi Biff,

Hard to say without taking a look at how you've set up the character softbody.

- Did you select the skeleton root bone in the softbody blueprint editor?
- Do skeleton particles show up correctly in the softbody blueprint editor?

See "skeleton sampling" in :

kind regards,
- Did you select the skeleton root bone in the softbody blueprint editor?
- Do skeleton particles show up correctly in the softbody blueprint editor?
I did select a skeleton root bone in the blueprint editor. The skeleton itself shows up as lines when I enable its rendering option. However, when I click "Generate", no particles are generated at all and the Unity console starts to spam errors. (I would post an image but it won't let me.)
Unity is version 2022.3.4f1
Obi Softbody is 6.5.2
I wasnt aware I needed bone + muscle/fat particles, I'm just trying to have selective soft body physics on a character (like the rubber arms demo). 1

Messages In This Thread
RE: Obi Softbody not rendering when model has rig. - by BiffThomson - 03-07-2023, 10:20 PM