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Help  How to guarantee a rope will not go through a collider?
Hi all,

Sorry if the question is not so precise or has already been answered earlier but here we go.

I'm trying to reproduce some of the rope mechanics as seen in The Last Of Us Part 2 because it's so fun (as reference:

I've got a lot of rocks, not so much buildings. Everything is mesh collider.

My avatar hold the rope and I make it grow (with a cursor) to a maximum points.

But when the rope need to be in tension (stretch), I often got the rope penetrating the collider.

I realize that's a tricky situation since I think I'm stressing the system by stretching the particles.

So I'm trying to tweak the lenght of the rope, but I still want it to feel stretched especially when the avatar is going to the opposite side of the rope!
I also tried to increase the solver Collision iterations.
My rope also use "surface-based collisions" since I think it will help detect collision between particles.
I considered using signed distance field, but there is too many different rock meshes and I think it will be too memory costly to store signed distance field.

I still get cases where the rope go inside a collision.

So my question is: how to prevent this from happening?
1) do I miss something obvious on the settings?
2) is it something that Obi solver can let us now by telling us "I couldn't solve this and a particle possibly went inside a collision"
3) can I help the system in some way? (at some point I was considering making some raycasts and spawn simpler collision shapes like spheres to "help" the solving but I don't know if it will work, it seems way to naïve). At some point in the Last Of Us video above (at 0:57 to be precise) we see that the rope is in tension and enter the wall... but the frame after there is a correction going on... and it's impressive!

Thanks for any help or advices!

And thanks for the plugin, it's fun to play around with it, but hard to master so far!

Messages In This Thread
How to guarantee a rope will not go through a collider? - by Guillaume - 22-05-2023, 04:24 PM