17-04-2023, 01:19 PM
(14-04-2023, 07:50 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi!
This is the intended behavior, as explained in the manual:
If you want to remove the offset, you have to either:
A) move the target transform to the attachment position.
B) move the attached particle to the target transform's position.
Or any combination of both (move both the attached particle and the transform to their average position, for instance). Afterwards, create the attachment.
You can get/set individual particle positions using the particles API, and you can retrieve the index of the particles involved in the attachment by reading the "indices" array of the particle group (In the case of a rope, there's always only one particle per particle group).
kind regards,
ok, thank you.
- my aim tho, just so you know is to use a number of standard prefabs whose varitions (in posisitions) could be set at runtime.
Under this I must set by hand each.
Could the system not pause to adjust before any particle firing occurs?
Anyhow, thank you for your help.