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where are the visuals updated? car experiment download
i cant get it to work properly so i am giving away what i have done. I know there are lots of questions about making a car with obi and this is the closest i have seen so far.
maybe somebody can work out what is going wrong. please reply if you fix it.

the car code is based on the old unity 3 advanced car scripts.

the softbody car body has 4 particle groups, fl, fr, rr, rl, each containing 1 particle. SBCarWheel looks for this particle (GroupIndex) and starts a raycast from and applies forces to it.
the physics part is working fine (more spring damping needed). the visuals of the softbody lags behind for an unknown reason.

the code is rough, it is a sketch of an idea rather than a complete solution, some parts are wrong/placeholders such as velocity calcs but that doesnt matter for testing. i am abandoning it for now as i have too many other projects on the go and this is distracting me
if you take the idea and run with it to make a great game that is up to you, the idea is there, the potential is there, make of it what you will

import obi softbody to a new project - import the attached package - open cartest scene
download package

have fun

Messages In This Thread
RE: where are the visuals updated? - by tegleg - 17-03-2023, 05:27 PM
RE: where are the visuals updated? - by tegleg - 17-03-2023, 09:24 PM