02-02-2023, 11:03 AM
(02-02-2023, 10:38 AM)alex798 Wrote: Hello again,
Encountered a problem, that if we wrap rope around obiCollider- the stretch between two halves of contact point is now equal- so if we pull the end with greater stretch it stretches even more because outTreshold is made to measure equal stretch... Do u have suggestions?- tryed to lower Treshold, but in that case gravitation creates stretch that is over it... And the same problem with RopeCursor- where to place it?- we don't know in what half the tension will be higher (where to add paricles)
I'm not too sure I understand the issue. The way you describe it seems parts of the rope stretching more than others is not desired for some reason? The overall amount by what the rope stretches (as measured by the sample "reel" script) is the same regardless of how tension is distributed in the rope, which is often what you want...
In case you need to measure local stretch in different parts of the rope and react differently depending on where the rope is stretching, that's doable using elements but considerably more complex to implement.
I might be able to help further given a more detailed explanation of your use case and the problem you're facing.
kind regards,