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Bug / Crash  NullReferenceException Blueprint Edit

Other times I've seen this issue pop up has always been because of a long-standing bug in Unity's editor window layout system: having multiple inspectors open while one of them is locked triggers it, and the usual solution is to reset the layout (as this gets rid of the extra locked inspectors).

The line the error refers to accesses "ObiActorBlueprintEditor.currentProperty", which is a list that should be initialized when the inspector window is first instantiated. For some reason, sometimes Unity instantiates the editor window but doesn't call any of the object initializers in the class. As a result, these are null when trying to access them.

I'll try to reproduce this with the Unity version you're using and file a bug report with Unity if necessary. If resetting the window layout doesn't work for you, and assuming you're in a production environment, I'd suggest trying a stable Unity version. 2022.2.0b10. is a beta, as such it should be expected to be unstable and contain many bugs. Beta versions should *only* be used for testing/evaluation purposes, never for actual development.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: NullReferenceException Blueprint Edit - by josemendez - 15-12-2022, 09:21 AM