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Help  I can't make a solid rope, it always breaks. Help.
(27-09-2022, 11:35 AM)acaremre Wrote: I have a project that I will use completely rope mechanics and I am just at the beginning of the road. What I have to do is make a rope that doesn't go through anything, like a solid and unbreakable thick rope. Can you help me ?
Attached is the video of the problem I am having, I am sharing it in the link.


The spheres the rope is attached to aren't part of the simulation, are they? they're just animated transforms and the rope is attached to them using static attachments. The gray cube is also a static collider.

In this case, the rope can't do much: in particular, it cannot prevent them from moving once the rope is completely tensed up, or push the cube around. It can't tear/cut either, and it has zero stretch compliance (cannot stretch) so the only way the rope can keep its length is by violating collision constraints.

It's physically impossible to keep the rope from going trough the collider in this case, even in the real world: the rope would either stretch (if elastic), snap (if rigid), push the cube, or prevent the spheres from moving. In the simulation, it cannot do any of these so the only remaining option is to ignore collision constraints.

Either make the cube a rigidbody (the rope will push the cube), make the spheres rigidbodies and use dynamic attachments (the rope will prevent the spheres from moving), allow the rope to tear, or increase its stretch compliance.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I can't make a solid rope, it always breaks. Help. - by josemendez - 27-09-2022, 03:45 PM