09-08-2022, 04:51 PM
Hey Jose! It's me again! ^^'
I'm now trying to simply detach the rope but I'm having some problems.
If I call Disconnect() from the example the rope is not being detached at all. Both attachments are disabled and with their targets null but they are still behaving like it was attached.
Also, if I call Despawn (setting the rope's object to false) in a OnTriggerEnter event, and I'm getting this error:
Well, basically the question is: how can I detach the rope?
Thank you!
I'm now trying to simply detach the rope but I'm having some problems.
If I call Disconnect() from the example the rope is not being detached at all. Both attachments are disabled and with their targets null but they are still behaving like it was attached.
public void Disconnect()
_attachment1.target = null;
_attachment2.target = null;
_attachment1.enabled = false;
_attachment2.enabled = false;
Also, if I call Despawn (setting the rope's object to false) in a OnTriggerEnter event, and I'm getting this error:
Quote:Destroying GameObjects immediately is not permitted during physics trigger/contact, animation event callbacks, rendering callbacks or OnValidate. You must use Destroy instead.
UnityEngine.ObjectestroyImmediate (UnityEngine.Object)
Obi.BurstColliderWorldecreaseReferenceCount () (at Assets/Plugins/Obi/Scripts/Common/Backends/Burst/Collisions/BurstColliderWorld.cs:61)
Well, basically the question is: how can I detach the rope?
Thank you!