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Help  particles have inconsistent weight on solver with high substeps
Quote:How are you weighting the particles? keep in mind that using more substeps decreases the simulations effective timestep, so if you're factoring the timestep in your weight calculations you will need to account for the number of substeps.

It's basically how a real scale would work, the plate of the scale is locked on the y axis and propped up by spring joint. The script takes the local y position of the plate when turning it on as a baseline and then tracks the the height differential to that point.

Quote:Also, all forces involving rigidbodies will be affected by using substeps, since substepping updates the fluid solver more often than the rigidbody solver (which uses Unity's global timestep). The only way to get them both to agree regarding the forces "seen" by each other is to update them in sync: if you're using 8 substeps, use 1 substep and a fixed timestep that's 8 times smaller instead.

That doesn't seem to be the way it works, decreasing the fixed timestep has almost no effect on the fluid behaviour compared to raising the solver substeps.

I can get proper viscuous fluids at 10 substeps and only the default fixed timestep 0f .02, but using 1 substep and .002 behaves pretty much exactly the same as if it was on .02. Even putting it on the lowest Unity will allow it to go at .0001 will still make no perceptible difference to .02 on 1 substep.

Messages In This Thread
RE: particles have inconsistent weight on solver with high substeps - by locque - 19-05-2022, 03:11 PM