18-04-2022, 04:15 PM
(15-04-2022, 09:13 AM)josemendez Wrote: Yes, initial particle radius and mass are calculated using the average area of incident triangles. This prevents having huge particles in regions with small triangles, or small particles is zones with large triangles.
In-editor there’s no way to scale the radius of all particles by an exact value (you can paint radius using the brush tool, but not as precise).
You can get the blueprint and then iterate trough all values in the blueprint.principalRadii array, multiplying them by a value. Do this either in an editor script or, if you’re creating the blueprint at runtime, do it after calling Generate() but before assigning the blueprint to an actor.
Kind regards,
Thanks! I went into the blueprint script and added a parameter during the generation process so the radius calculation would multiply by this parameter. It satisfies my current needs.