13-04-2022, 03:32 PM
(08-04-2022, 08:39 AM)josemendez Wrote: Yes, it should definitely be possible to do. I already got it added on our internal roadmap, though it's hard to say when it will be available.
If you want to try and do it yourself in the meantime, you should look into:
- ObiTearableClothBlueprint.cs: you'll need to write triangle simplices into the blueprint, you can check ObiClothBlueprint.cs as reference.
- ObiTearableCloth.cs: particle indices referenced by the simplices should be updated when cloth is torn, then set the solver's dirtySimplices flag to true so that simplices are rebuilt at the start of the next frame.
Great! I tried to tweak the solver configurations and the cloth blueprint particle properties and got a pretty good result without enabling surface collision. The main thing that makes the most difference I think is the particle radius parameter.
However, I noticed that the auto-generation is givingĀ each particle a different radius value (I'm assuming based on the distancing between the surrounding particles), but there is not an easy way to increase the radius uniformly.
I plan to take a look at the code and see if I can modify particle radius by multiplying them with a magnitude, but just in case it gonna take me too long to figure that out, if you can point to where I can look into, that'd be great help.
Thanks for the previous helps as well!