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Converting fluid into ice mesh
(25-08-2020, 08:00 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi there!

Obi does not provide a way to freeze fluid, but your idea is not far from what you'd need to do.

You could generate a mesh from the particles (using marching cubes, surface nets, or any other similar isosurface extraction method), get rid of the particles entirely, and use the resulting mesh to generate a MeshCollider, add a rigidbody and you'd be done. Obi does include a voxelizer that, while intended for mesh voxelization, you could use as a starting point to voxelize particles. From there to surface nets is just a few steps. You can find it at Obi/Scripts/Common/DataStructures/Voxelization/MeshVoxelizer.cs

Some of the fluid renderer parameters are quite specific to screen space ellipsoid splatting, which is the technique used to render fluid. Thickness Cutoff could be considered a isosurface offset value. Other parameters (Smoothness) are not quite that straightforward to reinterpret.

Can I find some help anywhere with some details on the process towards doing this? 

It seems quite advanced and I would like to know if there is any info you have that might help me get going. 

Thank you!

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